Thursday, October 4, 2007

Stage Three

Freed After 14 Years
Posted by: Charles Kuffner

I could not even begin to imagine what it must feel like to wait 14 years in prison to have corrected DNA evidence prove your innocence and finally be freed. That was the case for Ronald Taylor, who was imprisoned for 14 years based on an error done by the HPD (Houston Police Department) Crime Lab. He is the third man to be wrongfully found guilty due to HPD’s inaccurate work. After 2 years of independent investigation a final report states the HPD serology division to have “among the most troubling and problematic work.” About 180 cases of serology work had “major issues” and need review. I found this to be very upsetting. Innocent people are being put behind bars because personnel are poorly trained and making mistakes. These crime labs should have excellent serologist and not be doing poorly on audits. HPD’s crime lab problems have come to light and errors have been found in other analyses. It does not surprise me that there is now a doubt on other convictions and in Houston’s local justice system. So what are they doing about this now? Barry Scheck, a founder of the Innocence Project, feels the Ronald Taylor case has brought the need for a systematic review. Scheck proposed to form a panel of lawyers to review cases. The panel has yet to be formed but Charles Kuffner and I both agree that it is time they start this. Innocent people are patiently waiting and hoping there innocence will be proven so no more of their life will be taken away from them.

October 4, 2007 post from :

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